Miguel is selling tickets to a barbecue. Adult tickets cost 6.00 and children’s tickets cost 4.00. He sells six ore children’s tickets than adult tickets. The total amount of money he collects is 184. How many adult tickets and how many children tickets did he sell?

What is "asc"? This is a math problem.

c = a+6

6a+4c = 184

now just solve for the values.

typo: more is spelled as 'ore'

To solve this problem, we can use a system of equations. Let's assume that Miguel sold x adult tickets and y children's tickets.

According to the given information, the cost of an adult ticket is $6, so the total amount collected from selling adult tickets can be represented as 6x. Similarly, the cost of a children's ticket is $4, so the total amount collected from selling children's tickets can be represented as 4y.

We're also given that he sold six more children's tickets than adult tickets, so we can express this as y = x + 6.

The total amount of money collected is given as $184, so we can set up the equation:

6x + 4y = 184

Now, we can substitute y with x + 6 in the equation:

6x + 4(x + 6) = 184
6x + 4x + 24 = 184
10x + 24 = 184
10x = 160
x = 16

Now that we have found the value of x (the number of adult tickets sold), we can substitute this back into the equation we found earlier to find y (the number of children's tickets sold):

y = x + 6
y = 16 + 6
y = 22

Therefore, Miguel sold 16 adult tickets and 22 children's tickets.