In the 1800s, help for those living in poverty was mainly given by the

A.)civil societies
C.)public schools
D.)factory owners

I'm late, but I think someone might find this.

The correct answer is A.) civil societies

I think its B

To determine the correct answer to your question, let's break it down and explore the options one by one.

A.) Civil societies: In the 1800s, civil societies, such as religious organizations, charitable associations, and philanthropic groups, did play a role in providing assistance to those living in poverty. However, they were not the primary source of help during that time.

B.) Government: In the 1800s, government intervention and assistance to the impoverished were not as widespread as they are today. However, there were certain government policies and programs in place, particularly during the latter half of the 19th century, that aimed to address poverty-related issues. These initiatives, however, were still limited in scope and primarily focused on specific groups or regions.

C.) Public schools: While public schools may have played a role in education, they were not primarily responsible for providing direct help to those living in poverty during the 1800s.

D.) Factory owners: In the 1800s, particularly during the Industrial Revolution, many factory owners had a significant impact on the lives of those living in poverty. However, it is important to note that this impact was often negative, as poor working conditions and low wages perpetuated poverty rather than alleviating it.

Considering these options, the most accurate answer to your question would be B.) government, although it is important to note that the extent of government assistance during the 1800s was relatively limited compared to the present day.

What does your text say? What is your choice here? I'll be glad to check it.


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