the area of a cirlce is 460ydsq. Find the radiusbof the circle.

pi r^2 = 460

r^2 = 460/pi
r = sqrt (460/pi) = 12.10051849 yds approximately

To find the radius of a circle when given its area, you can use the formula:

Area of a circle = π * radius^2

In this case, you know the area is 460 square yards. Let's substitute this value into the formula and solve for the radius:

460 = π * radius^2

First, divide both sides of the equation by π:

460 / π = radius^2

Now, take the square root of both sides to isolate the radius:

√(460 / π) = radius

Using a calculator, divide 460 by π, then take the square root of the result to find the radius. The final answer will be the approximate value because π is an irrational number.

I will calculate the approximate radius value for you.