How does sea-floor spreading occur?

A, New materials are being added to the asthenosphere.
B, Earthquakes break apart the ocean floor.
C, Sediments accumulate at the area of spreading.
D, Molten material beneath Earth's crust rises to the surface. ••

2, Which features form the longest mountain range on Earth?
A, The mid-ocean ridges. ••
B, The deep-ocean trenches.
C, The Rockies
D, The Andes.

3, How does sub-duction change the ocean floor?
A, Subduction causes magma to accumulate on the ocean floor.
B, Subduction causes oceanic crust to break into pieces.
C, Subduction causes the ocean floor to sink into deep ocean trenches. ••
D, Subduction causes metamorphic rocks to form.

Correct me plz

The answers for Lesson 5 Sea-Floor Spreading is!!These are right!!


I agree with your answers.

These are all right, thank you!

Your answers are correct! Here's an explanation for each question:

1. How does sea-floor spreading occur?
The correct answer is D. Sea-floor spreading occurs when molten material beneath Earth's crust, known as magma, rises to the surface. This magma originates from the asthenosphere, a semi-fluid layer beneath the lithosphere. As the magma reaches the surface, it cools and solidifies, creating new oceanic crust. The older crust, being pushed away from the mid-ocean ridges where sea-floor spreading occurs, moves towards the edges of the ocean basins.

2. Which features form the longest mountain range on Earth?
The correct answer is A. The mid-ocean ridges, which are underwater mountain ranges, form the longest mountain range on Earth. These ridges are located along the boundaries of tectonic plates and are the result of sea-floor spreading. As new oceanic crust is formed and moves away from the ridge, it creates a continuous mountain range that extends around the globe.

3. How does subduction change the ocean floor?
The correct answer is C. Subduction causes the ocean floor to sink into deep ocean trenches. Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate, usually the denser oceanic crust, is forced beneath another plate. As the sinking occurs, it leads to the formation of deep ocean trenches at the subduction zone. This process causes the ocean floor to be gradually consumed and recycled back into the Earth's mantle, driving the continuous process of plate tectonics.