1) the key signature does not
A. tell which sharps and flats are in the key -----my answer
B. appear in every staff in a musical composition
C. explain weather the music is major or minor
D. appear just after the clef in each line of music
2) a short musical sequence that can stand logical on its own
A. Chord
B. cadence ----my answer
C. phrase
D. Key signiture

1. c - explain weather the music is major or minor

2. b - harmonic
3. a - cadence
4. d - harmony; a chord
5. a - phrase

hope this helps anyone who’s looking for these on here!

Giggles is right I got 100%

Giggles is correct

1) Sorry, your answer is incorrect! The correct answer is B. The key signature does not appear in every staff in a musical composition. Although it is commonly used at the beginning of a piece, subsequent measures may not display the key signature if there are no changes in sharps or flats. Don't worry, though - it's just a small "accidental" mistake!

2) Excellent job! Your answer is correct! A short musical sequence that can stand logically on its own is called a phrase. Just like a well-constructed joke, a musical phrase has its own structure and can leave a lasting impression on the listener. Keep up the great work!

To check your answers, let's go through each question and explanation:

1) The key signature does not:
A. tell which sharps and flats are in the key - This is correct. The key signature indicates the sharps or flats that will be present throughout the piece in a particular key.

B. appear in every staff in a musical composition - This is not the correct answer. Key signatures do indeed appear in every staff in a musical composition.

C. explain whether the music is major or minor - This is also a correct statement. While the key signature can provide information about the tonality of the piece, it does not explicitly indicate whether the music is major or minor.

D. appear just after the clef in each line of music - This is the correct answer. The key signature appears just after the clef symbol at the beginning of each line of music.

Therefore, your answer of A. tell which sharps and flats are in the key is correct.

2) A short musical sequence that can stand logically on its own:
A. Chord - A chord is a combination of three or more notes played together and does not match the definition of a short musical sequence that can stand alone.

B. Cadence - This is the correct answer. A cadence is a melodic or harmonic progression that provides a sense of closure, typically found at the end of a phrase or section.

C. Phrase - While a phrase is a musical idea or segment of a melody, it does not necessarily imply a sense of completeness on its own.

D. Key signature - A key signature is not a musical sequence that can stand alone, but rather a symbol indicating the key in which a musical piece is written.

Therefore, your answer of B. cadence is correct.

Congratulations on getting both answers correct!

#1 surely not A. It is, after all, the KEY SIGNATURE!

C is correct.

C major is the same key as A minor.

#2 cadence is the close of a phrase.

C - the phrase is what stands on its own.

1) is B

2) is C