state the type of transformation of energyin a dry cell discharges and in a hydro electric power plant.

The type of transformation of energy in a dry cell is chemical to electrical, while in a hydroelectric power plant, it is potential (gravitational) to electrical.

Now, let me explain how these transformations occur:

1. Dry cell discharges:
A dry cell contains chemicals, typically a combination of zinc and ammonium chloride electrolyte, which undergo a chemical reaction to produce electricity. When the cell is connected to a circuit, the chemicals inside the cell undergo a chemical reaction causing electrons to flow from the zinc anode (-) to the carbon cathode (+). This flow of electrons creates an electric current that can power devices like flashlights, remote controls, etc. So, in a dry cell, chemical energy is transformed into electrical energy.

2. Hydroelectric power plant:
In a hydroelectric power plant, the transformation of energy starts with the potential energy stored in water at a higher elevation, usually in a large reservoir or dam. The water is allowed to flow downhill, and this gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The flowing water is directed towards a turbine, which is connected to a generator. As the water strikes the turbine blades, it causes the turbine to spin. The spinning turbine turns the rotor inside the generator, which consists of magnetic conductive coils. This rotation induces a magnetic field, which in turn creates an electric current in the coils. This electric current is then extracted, and it becomes the electricity that is transmitted through power lines to homes and businesses. Therefore, in a hydroelectric power plant, potential energy from the water is transformed into mechanical energy (kinetic energy of turbine) and then into electrical energy.

In summary, the dry cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy, while the hydroelectric power plant converts potential energy (gravitational) into electrical energy.