Which statment explains why Britain became a part of the Roman Empire much later than nearby Gaul?

A. Mountains near the coast of Gaul were an obstacle.
B. Rome was not interested in local resources from Britain.
C. Fierce tribes in Britain held off Roman soldiers for many years.
D. The channel of water between Britain and Gaul was an obstacle.
I think that it is D.

Greece and Italy were neighbors across a narrow sea. How did the location of Greece affect the development of Roman Society?
A. Romans borrowed much from Greek culture.
B. Romans fought the Punic wars to defend against Greek invasions.
C. Romans built roads in order to transport trade goods to Greece.
D. Romans developed advanced ships to cross the Black sea.
I think that it is either C or A.

How did distance from Rome likely affect people in the Roman Empire?
A. Rome had less political control over people in distant provinces.
B. Rome sent better goods and supplies to it's far territories.
C. People further from Rome had lower social status.
D. People closer to Rome were more likely to hold political power.
I think that it is D.

Which of these is true of the century following the Pax Romana?
A. The government was stable, and emperors reigns were long.
B. Power struggles led to the murder of many emperors.
C. The Roman military kept the empires borders secure.
D. Four leaders divided up the territories of the Roman Empire.
I think that it is A or C.

Which of the following describes how Marcus Aurelius affected the Roman Empire?
A. He demonstrated tolerance towards all religions.
B. He built many roads and waterways.
C. He gave land to soldiers who fought for Rome.
D. He persecuted thousands of Christians.
I think that it is C.

Thank you! So for 2: A

3: I truly don't know
4: A

Thank you so much! I am sure that 4 is D because I do not think that it is B.

You're welcome.

For the first question, the correct answer is C. Fierce tribes in Britain held off Roman soldiers for many years. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, B, and D as they are not directly related to the delay in Britain becoming part of the Roman Empire. Option C explains that the resistance from tribes in Britain was a significant factor in delaying Roman control.

For the second question, the correct answer is A. Romans borrowed much from Greek culture. To reach this answer, we can eliminate options B, C, and D as they do not pertain to the relationship between Greece and the development of Roman society. Option A correctly states that the Romans heavily influenced their culture, art, philosophy, and architecture from the Greeks.

For the third question, the correct answer is A. Rome had less political control over people in distant provinces. We can eliminate options B, C, and D as they do not address the impact of distance from Rome. Option A explains that the political control of Rome was less effective in remote provinces as compared to those closer to Rome.

For the fourth question, the correct answer is B. Power struggles led to the murder of many emperors. We can eliminate options A and C as they do not accurately describe the events following the Pax Romana. Option D is also incorrect as it oversimplifies the division of territories. The correct answer, B, highlights the power struggles that unfolded and resulted in the assassination of several emperors.

For the fifth question, the correct answer is A. He demonstrated tolerance towards all religions. We can eliminate options B and D as they are not accurate descriptions of Marcus Aurelius. Option C is also untrue as land distribution to soldiers was a policy implemented by previous Roman emperors. The correct answer, A, accurately describes Marcus Aurelius' approach to religion during his reign.

1. D - yes

2. Which is it?
3. D - no
4. Which is it?
5. C - yes

2. A - yes

4. A - no

3 is A.