So I was told to write/type a 300 word "oneshot" story but I don't know what that is.

What is a oneshot story?
Thank you!

What did we ever do without Google?

lol thank you

You're welcome.

A "oneshot" story refers to a complete and self-contained narrative that can be told within a single piece without any sequels or continuations. It's essentially a short story that aims to convey a complete story arc within a limited word count or length.

To get a better understanding of what a oneshot story entails, you can follow these steps:

1. Read Examples: Look for examples of oneshot stories to get familiar with the format and structure. There are various genres and styles, so explore both classic and contemporary oneshots to see how different authors approach this form. Reading examples will give you an idea of how to present a compelling story within the given word count.

2. Plot and Structure: Before you begin writing, consider what you want your oneshot story to be about. Develop a clear plotline, with a defined beginning, middle, and end. Outline the key events and ensure that your story has a satisfying conclusion. Since you have a limited word count, it's important to be concise and focused, keeping unnecessary details and subplots to a minimum.

3. Character Development: Create compelling characters who drive your story forward. Even though it's a short story, your characters should have motivations and undergo some form of change or growth throughout the narrative. Remember to make your readers emotionally invested in the characters by showing their desires, flaws, and conflicts.

4. Setting and Atmosphere: Set the stage for your oneshot story by describing the setting in a way that enhances the overall atmosphere. This can be done through vivid descriptions, immersive sensory details, or even carefully chosen dialogue. A well-established setting can make your story more engaging and memorable.

5. Proofreading and Editing: After you've written your oneshot, proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and ensure that the story flows seamlessly from beginning to end. Make sure your story stays within the targeted word count and consider cutting out any unnecessary parts to maintain the story's focus.

Remember, a oneshot story allows you to encapsulate a full narrative within a limited space, so take this opportunity to craft a concise, impactful, and complete story. Good luck with your writing, Ally!