What is more than half of 16?

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

I give out 16 family questions and would more than half of that number? What would the correct number I need back?

To determine what is more than half of 16, we first need to find half of 16, which is half of its value.

To find half of 16, we can divide 16 by 2, since dividing a number by 2 gives us half of its value. So, 16 divided by 2 equals 8.

Now that we know half of 16 is 8, we need to find what value is greater than 8, as we are looking for more than half of 16. Any number greater than 8 would satisfy this condition.

Therefore, any number greater than 8 is more than half of 16.