What was the key difference between the government of the Roman Republic and the government of the Imperial Rome?

A. The government of the Roman Republic preffered peace; the government of Imperial Rome was warlike.
B. The Roman Republic was ruled by elected leaders; Imperial Rome was ruled by leaders who inherited power.
C. In the Roman Republic, there were written laws; In Imperial Rome, there were no written laws.
D. The Roman Republic was an indirect democracy; Imperial Rome was a direct democracy.

For my answer I don't think it is A and C, but I am not sure if it is A or B so that is what I need help in. You do not need to tell me the answer if you don't want to I just need help understanding.

If the Empire was ruled by emperors who inherited power, how was that a democracy at all, much less a direct democracy? B and D are in direct contradiction of each other. It has to be one or the other.

The correct answer I think is B.

So I looked up the meaning for direct and indirect democracy. Indirect democracy: citizens elect representatives to make laws on their behalf. Direct democracy: is a form of democracy in which people decide.

Thank you Reed for helping me.

it is b people

To determine the key difference between the government of the Roman Republic and the government of Imperial Rome, let's analyze the options A and B.

Option A states that the government of the Roman Republic preferred peace, while the government of Imperial Rome was warlike. This statement oversimplifies the situation. It is true that the Roman Republic experienced periods of conflict and expansion, but it also had times of relative peace. The same can be said for the government of Imperial Rome. Therefore, we can conclude that option A is not the correct answer.

Option B suggests that the Roman Republic was ruled by elected leaders, while Imperial Rome was ruled by leaders who inherited power. This statement accurately reflects a crucial difference between the two systems of government. In the Roman Republic, power was primarily held by senators who were elected by the citizens and served limited terms. In contrast, after the transition from the Republic to the Imperial period, Rome became an autocratic state, with emperors who held power hereditarily. This shift from a republic to an empire marks a significant change in the way Rome's government functioned.

Considering the information provided, option B is the correct answer. The key difference between the government of the Roman Republic and the government of Imperial Rome is that the Roman Republic was ruled by elected leaders, while Imperial Rome was ruled by leaders who inherited power.

I am sorry I ment that I am not sure that it was B or D.