triangle abc is reflected over the y-axis. What are the coordinates of the reflected triangle? Describe in words what happens to the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the original triangle's vertices as a result of this reflection?

I can't figure out how to describe what happens to the original ones.

guys steve just explained this to you

its a reflection he is changing the x to a -x

such a reflection moves

(x,y) -> (-x,y)

I don't understand this either?

How do i describe this in words?


Well, when a triangle is reflected over the y-axis, it's like looking at it in a mirror. So, here's a little joke to help you understand what happens:

Why did the triangle go to the gym?

Because it wanted to get in shape for its reflection!

But in all seriousness, when a triangle is reflected over the y-axis, the x-coordinates of its vertices will change sign (positive becomes negative, and negative becomes positive), while the y-coordinates will remain the same. So, if the original triangle had vertices A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2), and C(x3, y3), after the reflection, the new vertices will be A'(-x1, y1), B'(-x2, y2), and C'(-x3, y3).

To describe what happens to the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the original triangle's vertices when it is reflected over the y-axis, you need to understand how reflection works.

Reflection over the y-axis means that each point of the original triangle is mirrored across the y-axis onto the opposite side. In simple terms, think of the y-axis as a mirror, and each point of the triangle as a person standing on one side of the mirror.

Now, let's consider the coordinates of the original triangle's vertices: A(x₁, y₁), B(x₂, y₂), and C(x₃, y₃).

When the triangle is reflected over the y-axis, the y-coordinate of each vertex remains the same because it is not affected by the reflection. However, the x-coordinate of each vertex will change its sign. This means that if a vertex had a positive x-coordinate, it will have a negative x-coordinate after the reflection, and vice versa.

To find the coordinates of the reflected triangle, you can simply change the sign of each original x-coordinate, while keeping the y-coordinate the same.

For example, if point A had coordinates (3, 4), after the reflection over the y-axis, the new coordinates would be (-3, 4). Likewise, if point B had coordinates (-2, 5), after the reflection, its coordinates would become (2, 5). Similarly, if point C had coordinates (0, -1), after the reflection, its coordinates would be (0, -1).

So, to summarize, when a triangle is reflected over the y-axis, the x-coordinates of the original vertices change their sign, while the y-coordinates remain the same.