write an essay about Grandma Ling and your little voice

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write an essay about Grandma Ling and your little voice

NO!!! a link to where I can find what those two stories are about

You can read both of these poems in these sites.



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same for me

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Title: Grandma Ling and the Little Voice Within

Grandma Ling, my wise and loving grandmother, and the little voice within me have influenced my life in profound ways. Grandma Ling embodies the wisdom, compassion, and strength of a matriarch, and her teachings have shaped my character. Alongside her, the little voice within – my intuition and inner guide – has offered guidance and nurtured my personal growth. In this essay, we will explore the impact of Grandma Ling and the little voice within, highlighting their invaluable contributions to my life.


1. Grandma Ling: A Pillar of Love and Wisdom
Grandma Ling, a resilient and kind-hearted woman, has been a constant source of love and support. Her experiences, hardships, and life lessons have shaped her into a guiding figure for our family. She shares her wisdom through stories, traditions, and age-old customs, helping to preserve our heritage and maintain a sense of belonging. From her, I have learned the importance of family, compassion, and perseverance.

2. Lessons from Grandma Ling
a) History and Heritage: Grandma Ling instilled in me a deep appreciation for our family history and cultural roots. Through her teachings, I have come to understand the importance of embracing our past to shape our future.
b) Compassion and Empathy: Grandma Ling's compassion knows no bounds. She has taught me to approach every person and situation with empathy, understanding, and an open heart.
c) Resilience and Perseverance: Grandma Ling's strength is unwavering, even in the face of adversity. Her stories of overcoming challenges have inspired me to never give up and persevere in achieving my goals.

3. The Little Voice Within: An Inner Guide
The little voice within represents the intuitive and instinctive part of me. It speaks softly, reaching deep into my heart and guiding me towards the right path. It is through this inner voice that I have developed self-awareness, introspection, and a heightened sense of intuition.

4. Harnessing the Power of the Little Voice
a) Listening to Intuition: The little voice within nudges me towards making informed decisions. It helps me evaluate situations, trust my instincts, and make choices aligned with my values.
b) Self-Reflection and Growth: By embracing the little voice within, I have learned the importance of self-reflection. Taking time to reflect on my actions, thoughts, and emotions has allowed me to grow personally and make positive changes.
c) Going Beyond External Influence: The little voice within acts as a moral compass, enabling me to resist negative peer pressure or societal expectations. It encourages me to listen to my inner convictions and stay true to myself.


In the journey of my life, Grandma Ling and the little voice within have played vital roles in shaping my character, values, and perspectives. Grandma Ling has imparted her wisdom and love, enriching my understanding of family, compassion, and resilience. Simultaneously, the little voice within has served as my guide, offering insights and helping me navigate life's complexities. Through the teachings of Grandma Ling and the power of the little voice within, I have developed into a person who values heritage, kindness, personal growth, and the pursuit of truth. Together, they continue to inspire and empower me on my journey of self-discovery.