In what reference to "Jack the Ripper and the Clevand Torso Murder support his thesis?

Why we crave horror movies. In what reference to "Jack the Ripper and the Clevend Torso Murser support his thesis?

If we are all insane, then sanity becomes a matter of degree. If your insanity leads you to carve

up women like Jack the Ripper or the Cleveland Torso Murderer, we clap you away in the funny farm

(but neither of those two amateur-night surgeons was ever caught, heh-heh-heh); if, on the other hand,

your insanity leads you only to talk to yourself when you’re under stress or to pick your nose on your

morning bus, then you are left alone to go about your business . . . though it is doubtful that you will ever

be invited to the best parties.

To determine how Jack the Ripper and the Cleveland Torso Murder support a specific thesis, one would need to know the specific thesis being referred to. However, I can explain how you can gather information on these cases to support your thesis.

1. Identify your thesis: Clearly define the argument or position you are trying to make. This will help guide your research on how the cases of Jack the Ripper and the Cleveland Torso Murder support your argument.

2. Search for information: Acquire reliable sources that provide detailed information about both cases. Books, articles, documentaries, and reputable websites are good starting points. Make sure the sources are well-researched and verified.

3. Study the cases: Carefully analyze the details and evidence from both cases. Look for similarities, differences, and any connections that might support your thesis. Identify key facts, theories, and interpretations related to each case.

4. Compare and contrast: Once you have a good understanding of both cases, compare and contrast the relevant aspects with your thesis. Look for common characteristics, modus operandi, victim profiles, geographical locations, or any other factors that relate to your argument.

5. Support your thesis: Based on the analysis conducted, highlight specific examples, evidence, or patterns from these cases that directly relate to your thesis. Clearly explain how Jack the Ripper and the Cleveland Torso Murder provide support or evidence for your argument.

It's essential to critically examine each case and be objective in your analysis. Remember to cite your sources properly and consider alternative perspectives to present a well-rounded argument.

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