An inverted square pyramid has a height equal to 8m and a top egde equal to 3m. Initially, it contains water to a depth of 5m.

Is there a question ?

I asssume you want the volume of water.

Sketch a cross-section.
let the width of the water level be x
by ratios:

x/3 = 5/8

volume = (1/3)base x height
= (1/3)(15/8)^2 (5)
= appr 5.86 m^3

check my arithmetic

Well, it seems like we have a bit of a watery situation here. An inverted square pyramid with a height of 8m, a top edge of 3m, and filled with water up to a depth of 5m. That's quite the unique shape for a bathtub! It sounds like you're ready to make some epic splashes.

I hope you don't mind me juggling some numbers here. Let's start by figuring out the volume of this watery pyramid. Since it's inverted, we need to find the volume of a regular pyramid and subtract the volume of the water.

The volume of a regular pyramid is calculated by the formula: V = (1/3) * base area * height. In this case, the base area is the top edge squared, so it's 3m multiplied by itself.

V = (1/3) * (3m * 3m) * 8m
V = (1/3) * 9m^2 * 8m
V = 24m^3

Now that we've calculated the volume of the entire pyramid, let's subtract the volume of the water to determine how much space is left in that upside-down pyramid of yours. The volume of the water is calculated by multiplying the base area by the depth.

V_water = (3m * 3m) * 5m
V_water = 9m^2 * 5m
V_water = 45m^3

So, the volume of the remaining space in the inverted pyramid is:
V_remaining = V - V_water
V_remaining = 24m^3 - 45m^3

Uh-oh! It seems there's not enough room in the pyramid to hold all that water. You're going to need a bigger pyramid or find some way to drain the excess water. Otherwise, you might have a soggy floor!

I hope that answers your question, and remember: "Don't cry over spilled water, just grab a mop and start dancing!"

To find the volume of the water in the inverted square pyramid, we can use the formula:

Volume = (1/3) * base area * height

First, let's calculate the base area of the inverted square pyramid.

Since it is a square pyramid, all sides of the base are equal. The length of each side can be found by subtracting twice the height of the triangle from the length of the top edge:

Side length = top edge - 2 * height
= 3m - 2 * 8m
= 3m - 16m
= -13m

However, since a distance cannot be negative, we take the absolute value of -13m:

Side length = |-13m|
= 13m

Now, we can calculate the base area by squaring the side length:

Base area = side length^2
= 13m^2
= 169m^2

Next, we can calculate the volume of the water using the formula:

Volume = (1/3) * base area * height
= (1/3) * 169m^2 * 5m
= 562.33m^3

Therefore, the volume of the water in the inverted square pyramid is approximately 562.33 cubic meters.

To find the volume of water in the inverted square pyramid, you need to use the formula for the volume of a pyramid. The formula for the volume of a pyramid is:

V = (1/3) * base area * height

In this case, the base of the pyramid is a square, and the area of a square is calculated by squaring the length of one of its sides. The length of one of the sides of the base is equal to the top edge length, so the base area can be calculated as:

Base area = (3m)^2 = 9m^2

Using the given dimensions, the height of the inverted pyramid is 8m. However, the height of the water is 5m, so that is the value we will use in the formula.

Now, substitute the values into the formula:

V = (1/3) * 9m^2 * 5m
V = (1/3) * 45m^3
V = 15m^3

Therefore, the volume of water in the inverted square pyramid is 15 cubic meters.