I am researching about why water is blue. I am wondering why is the water in the Caribbean bluer that that of the North Atlantic?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This is an interesting question and here are some sites to explain it:



P.S. I missed this one:


To understand why water appears blue, we need to know about the properties of light. Light consists of different colors, each with a different wavelength. When light passes through a medium like water, it can be absorbed, scattered, or reflected.

The color we perceive is based on the wavelengths of light that are not absorbed by the water. Water molecules absorb some colors more than others, depending on their energy and the molecular structure of water.

Now, let's look at why the water in the Caribbean appears bluer than that of the North Atlantic. The color of water is affected by various factors such as the presence of impurities, suspended particles, and dissolved substances. In the Caribbean, the water usually appears clearer and bluer due to several reasons:

1. Turbidity: The Caribbean waters tend to have lower levels of suspended particles, which can scatter and absorb light. Clearer water allows more light to penetrate and be scattered by the water molecules, resulting in a bluer appearance.

2. Depth: The Caribbean Sea is generally deeper than the North Atlantic. Deeper water allows more light to be absorbed, particularly the longer-wavelength colors like red and orange. So, the predominantly shorter-wavelength blue light is more likely to reach our eyes, making the water appear bluer.

3. Serenity: The Caribbean often experiences less wind and wave action compared to the North Atlantic. Calmer waters are less likely to stir up sediment and particles, contributing to the clearer and bluer appearance.

When researching this topic, you can explore the suggested websites I provided earlier. They offer more in-depth explanations and may provide additional factors specific to the Caribbean's blue water.