Can you please check my answers?

1.) In July, our neighbors had (went, gone) to Europe. Gone
2.) Have you (rode, ridden) the gray mare?
3.) A mountain climber must have (ran,run) into difficulty. Ran
4.) George should not have (wrote, written) the note. Written
5.) The naughty child (sunk,sank) down into his seat. Sank
6.) A witness was (sworn,swore) in by the judge. Sworn
7.) Had he (ate,eaten) before surgery? Eaten
8.) The soloist (sung, sang) very loudly. Sang
9.) Our brother would not have (drunk,drank) milk with each meal. Drank
10.) Jason should have (went,gone) earlier. Gone
11.) The bestseller should have been (given,gave) to my mother. Given
12.) He might have (gone,went) to the symphony after dinner. Gone
13.) Has the road map (fell,fallen) on the floor of the car? Fell
14.) During the early hours, the repairman (done,did) his tasks. Did
15.) By December the business lady will have (flown,flew) 50,000 miles. Flown
16.) Has a copy of this test been (run, ran)? Ran
17.) The florist has (spoken,spoke) about flower arrangements at our gardening meeting. Spoken
18.) The clothes were (shaken,shook) after the removal from the dryer. Shook
19.) The sweepstakes winner has (written,wrote) a clever jingle. Written
Sorry that this is so long.

3, 9, 13, 16, 18 are wrong.

1.) In July, our neighbors had gone to Europe. Correct!

2.) Have you ridden the gray mare? Correct!

3.) A mountain climber must have run into difficulty. Correct!

4.) George should not have written the note. Correct!

5.) The naughty child sank down into his seat. Correct!

6.) A witness was sworn in by the judge. Correct!

7.) Had he eaten before surgery? Correct!

8.) The soloist sang very loudly. Correct!

9.) Our brother would not have drunk milk with each meal. Correct!

10.) Jason should have gone earlier. Correct!

11.) The bestseller should have been given to my mother. Correct!

12.) He might have gone to the symphony after dinner. Correct!

13.) Has the road map fallen on the floor of the car? Correct!

14.) During the early hours, the repairman did his tasks. Correct!

15.) By December, the business lady will have flown 50,000 miles. Correct!

16.) Has a copy of this test been run? Incorrect.

To check the answer to this question, you can analyze the verb and the structure of the sentence. The verb "run" is not used with "copy of the test" in this context. In this case, the correct answer would be "Has a copy of this test been done?".

17.) The florist has spoken about flower arrangements at our gardening meeting. Correct!

18.) The clothes were shaken after the removal from the dryer. Correct!

19.) The sweepstakes winner has written a clever jingle. Correct!

Overall, great job! Most of your answers are correct. Keep up the good work!