Identify three courses or study fields I'm interested in following after grate 12 write them down and in order of preferences provide two reasons of each choice

And your answer is?

.go to university .focus on businese

Based on your interests, here are three courses or study fields you may be interested in following after grade 12, listed in order of preferences:

1. Computer Science
- Reasons:
a) Growing Demand: Computer science is a rapidly expanding field with high demand for professionals. Pursuing a degree in computer science opens up a wide range of career opportunities.
b) Problem-Solving Skills: This field helps develop skills in logical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical reasoning, which are highly valued and applicable in various industries.

2. Psychology
- Reasons:
a) Understanding Human Behavior: Pursuing psychology allows you to explore and understand human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. This knowledge is valuable for personal growth as well as various professions, such as counseling, human resources, and social work.
b) Versatility: A degree in psychology can be applied across different fields, making it a versatile choice. It can be useful in areas like marketing, research, education, and healthcare.

3. Environmental Science
- Reasons:
a) Conservation and Sustainability: Environmental science focuses on studying and protecting the environment. Pursuing this field allows you to contribute towards conservation efforts and sustainable practices, which are crucial for addressing global environmental challenges.
b) Interdisciplinary Approach: Environmental science incorporates knowledge from various disciplines like biology, chemistry, geology, and policy making. This interdisciplinary approach provides a well-rounded perspective and allows for a diverse range of career opportunities in research, policy development, and environmental management.

To identify three courses or study fields you may be interested in pursuing after grade 12, it's helpful to consider your own preferences, academic strengths, and future career goals. Here are three examples, listed in order of preference, along with two reasons for each choice:

1. Computer Science:
- Reason 1: Growing Industry Demand: Computer science is a rapidly expanding field with increasing job opportunities and high earning potential.
- Reason 2: Problem-Solving Skills: Studying computer science enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are highly sought after in various industries.

2. Environmental Science:
- Reason 1: Pursuing Passion: If you have a deep interest in the environment, studying environmental science allows you to address environmental challenges and contribute to sustainability efforts.
- Reason 2: Interdisciplinary Nature: Environmental science integrates knowledge from multiple disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, and geography, providing a well-rounded education and diverse career paths.

3. International Relations:
- Reason 1: Global Perspective: Studying international relations enables you to understand global politics, economies, and cultures, fostering a broader worldview.
- Reason 2: Career Opportunities: Graduates with a background in international relations can pursue careers in diplomacy, international organizations, NGOs, or even journalism, contributing to global issues and making a difference.

Remember, these are just examples, and it is important to reflect on your own interests, skills, and aspirations when choosing your courses or study fields.