Determine the size of the pasture by measuring its approximate length and width.One large step is approxinately one metre.

Please guys

How many metres wide and long is it? The area is determined by multiplying width by length.

To determine the size of the pasture, you will need to measure its approximate length and width in meters.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Begin by selecting a starting point at one end of the pasture. This will serve as the reference point for your measurements.

2. Take one large step (approximately one meter) and mark that spot on the ground. You can use a stick or any other object to make the mark.

3. Repeat step 2, taking consecutive large steps, until you reach the opposite end of the pasture. Make sure to mark each spot with a distinct marker.

4. Count the number of large steps you took from the starting point to the opposite end of the pasture. Let's say you took X large steps.

5. Measure the width using the same process but this time starting from one side of the pasture to the other.

6. Count the number of large steps you took from one side of the pasture to the other. Let's say you took Y large steps.

7. Multiply the number of steps for the length (X) by the approximate length of one step, which is one meter, to find the approximate length of the pasture. Let's call it L.

Length = X * 1 meter

8. Multiply the number of steps for the width (Y) by the approximate length of one step, which is one meter, to find the approximate width of the pasture. Let's call it W.

Width = Y * 1 meter

9. Finally, multiply the length (L) by the width (W) to calculate the approximate size of the pasture in square meters.

Size = L * W

Remember, this method provides an approximate measurement of the pasture's size based on your steps, assuming that each step roughly equals one meter.