Determine the size of the pasture by measuring its approximate length and width.One large step is approxinately one metre.

Pasture or veld

To determine the size of the pasture, you need to measure its approximate length and width. Since one large step is approximately one meter, you can use this measurement to estimate the size of the pasture.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Start at one corner of the pasture and take a step in one direction (length or width). Count the number of steps it takes for you to reach the opposite side of the pasture. Let's call this value "Steps Length" or "Steps Width," depending on the direction you measured.

2. Once you have the number of steps required to cross one side of the pasture, multiply that value by one meter. This will give you an estimate of the length or width of the pasture in meters.

3. Repeat the same process for the other side of the pasture, measuring in the perpendicular direction. Count the number of steps it takes to cross the other side and multiply it by one meter.

4. Finally, multiply the estimated length by the estimated width to calculate the size of the pasture in square meters.

For example, let's say it took you 20 steps to cross the length of the pasture and 15 steps to cross its width. This means the estimated length of the pasture is 20 meters and the estimated width is 15 meters. Multiplying these two values, you get the approximate size of the pasture, which is 300 square meters.

Remember, this method provides an approximate measurement based on the assumption that one large step is approximately one meter.