This is for grade 11 chemistry, balancing equations. Help asap? I'd like to get it done by tonight, if possible.

Type of reaction:
Predict product in words:
Write Balance equation:

Heres the question.
Aluminum+ Zinc Sulfide =

To balance the equation for the reaction between aluminum and zinc sulfide, we first need to identify the type of reaction. In this case, it is a single displacement or substitution reaction.

Here's how you can work on it step by step:

1. Determine the product: In a single displacement reaction, the more reactive metal takes the place of the less reactive metal in a compound. In this case, aluminum is more reactive than zinc. So, aluminum will replace zinc in zinc sulfide. This means the product will be aluminum sulfide.

The predicted product in words is "aluminum sulfide."

2. Write the balanced equation: The balanced equation should have the same number of atoms of each element on both sides. Let's break it down:

- Aluminum (Al): 1 Al atom
- Zinc sulfide (ZnS): 1 Zn atom + 1 S atom

- Aluminum sulfide (Al2S3): 2 Al atoms + 3 S atoms

Now, we can write the balanced equation:

1 Al + 1 ZnS → 1 Al2S3

Make sure both sides have the same number of each type of atoms. In this case, the equation is balanced.

Remember to double-check your work to ensure accuracy.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance or have more questions.