These rights have been extended to state criminal trials and to other settings, such as educational and social service hearing.

A. Rights of free speech
B.civil rights
C. due process right
D. Civil liberties

Is it c?

Yes, c.

Yes, the correct answer is C. due process right.

The term "due process right" refers to the inherent rights and legal safeguards that individuals are entitled to in any legal proceeding. It is a fundamental principle of fairness and justice. These rights ensure that a person is treated fairly, with proper notice and an opportunity to be heard, before their rights or liberties are taken away.

In the context of the question, the mentioning of state criminal trials and other settings such as educational and social service hearings indicates that these events involve legal proceedings where the rights of due process are applicable. This includes the right to be informed of the charges, the right to a fair and impartial hearing, the right to legal representation, and various other procedural safeguards.

On the other hand, rights of free speech (A) refer to the freedom to express one's thoughts and opinions without government interference. Civil rights (B) encompass the rights of individuals to be treated equally and without discrimination based on certain protected characteristics. Civil liberties (D) encompass a broader range of rights, including freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and press, as well as protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, among others.

Therefore, the best answer is C. due process right, as it specifically relates to the extension of rights in state criminal trials and other settings.