Mr. Davis wants to buy some oranges. He visits a local grocery store and finds that 6 oranges cost $2.

Write an equation that represents the relationship between the number of oranges, n, and their total cost, c. Express the rate of change in simplest form, if necessary.

c = (2/6)n


There is no rate of change. It's a unit rate.

i had answered it correctly afterwards but thank you

To write an equation representing the relationship between the number of oranges, n, and their total cost, c, we can use the given information.

We are told that 6 oranges cost $2. We can express this relationship as:

n oranges cost c dollars

So, we can write the equation as:

6n = 2

To find the rate of change, we need to simplify this equation. We can divide both sides of the equation by 6:

6n/6 = 2/6

This simplifies to:

n = 1/3

So, the rate of change between the number of oranges and their total cost is 1/3. This means that for every 1 additional orange, the total cost increases by 1/3 of a dollar.