The number of total congressional employees is close to

A. 35,000
B. 5,000
C. 25,000
D. 15,000

Is it B.

To find the answer to this question, we can search for information on the number of total congressional employees.

One way to find this information is by visiting official government websites. The official website of the United States Congress,, provides an overview of the legislative branch of the U.S. government, including its structure and functions. It also provides links to various resources and reports that may contain relevant information about congressional employees.

Another way to find the answer is by searching reputable news sources or websites that specialize in providing political or governmental information. These sources often publish articles or reports that discuss the number of congressional employees.

Using a search engine like Google can help us find relevant information quickly. By typing in search terms such as "number of total congressional employees," we can review the search results to find credible sources that provide the answer.

Once we find a reliable source, we can check the information provided to determine if option B (5,000) is the correct answer or if another option is more accurate.