ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. If AB=a,BC=b,express vector,AD AND AE in terms of a and b.

Join line AC to form tri.ABC and get AC=AB+BC

Join line AD to form tri.ACD and get AD=AB+BC+CD

To express vector AD and AE in terms of a and b, we need to understand the geometry of a regular hexagon and how vectors are defined in relation to its sides.

A regular hexagon has six equal sides, and each interior angle measures 120 degrees. Let's label the vertices of the hexagon as follows:

/ \
\ /

In a regular hexagon, each interior angle subtends an arc equivalent to the length of the hexagon side. Therefore, angle ADB = 120 degrees, and angle AEB = 120 degrees as well.

To express vector AD in terms of a and b, we need to move in the counterclockwise direction from point A to point D. Since AB = a, we can represent vector AD as AD = AB + BD.

To find the vector BD, we can split it into two components: one along AB and the other perpendicular to AB. Let's call the component parallel to AB as vector BD₁ and the component perpendicular to AB as vector BD₂.

Since angle ADB = 120 degrees, angle ABD = 30 degrees (complementary to 90 degrees). Using basic trigonometry, we can relate BD₁ to AB:

BD₁ = AB * cos(30 degrees)
= a * cos(30 degrees)

The component BD₂ is perpendicular to AB, so it will have the same magnitude as BD₁, but in the opposite direction:

BD₂ = -BD₁
= -a * cos(30 degrees)

Therefore, vector BD = BD₁ + BD₂ = a * cos(30 degrees) - a * cos(30 degrees) = 0.

So, vector AD = AB + BD = a + 0 = a.

Therefore, vector AD = a.

Similarly, to find vector AE, we move in the counterclockwise direction from point A to point E. Since angle AEB = 120 degrees, angle ABE = 30 degrees (complementary to 90 degrees). Using basic trigonometry, we can relate AE to AB:

AE = AB * cos(30 degrees)
= a * cos(30 degrees)

Therefore, vector AE = a * cos(30 degrees).

In summary:

Vector AD = a
Vector AE = a * cos(30 degrees)

So, we have expressed vector AD and AE in terms of a and b.