1.) call 911 for

A.) hypothermia ***
B.) a muscle strain
C.) a sprained ankle
D.) a headache

2.) a joint that is twisted or overstressed and one or more of the bones that normally meet at that joint are displaced should be treated as a
A.) sprain***
B.) strain
C.) dislocation
D.) laceration

1 - yes

2 - no

Is it c then?!

yes i believe it is c

Seriously? When you misplace something you must locate. So when a joint is displaced, it dislocated. No?

yes Pacman is right it is C

for number 2

To answer the first question, when to call 911 for a medical emergency, we can reason through the options and identify the correct answer.

A) Hypothermia: While hypothermia can be a serious condition, it generally does not require immediate medical intervention through a 911 call unless the individual is in a life-threatening situation.

B) Muscle strain: A muscle strain is typically not a severe emergency that requires a 911 call. It can usually be managed with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) and over-the-counter pain medication.

C) Sprained ankle: Like a muscle strain, a sprained ankle is generally not a medical emergency that necessitates a 911 call. It can typically be treated with RICE and self-care at home.

D) Headache: Unless a headache is accompanied by other severe symptoms such as sudden onset of numbness, difficulty speaking, or loss of consciousness, it is unlikely to require a 911 call.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is A) hypothermia. Hypothermia is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention due to the risk of organ failure and cardiac arrest.

Moving on to the second question, which asks how to treat a joint that is twisted or overstressed with displaced bones:

A) Sprain: A sprain refers to damage to the ligaments surrounding a joint. While a sprain can cause pain and swelling, it does not involve dislocation or displaced bones.

B) Strain: A strain involves injuries to muscles or tendons, but it does not involve joint displacement or twisted bones.

C) Dislocation: This is the correct answer. A joint that is twisted or overstressed with displaced bones is considered a dislocation. In this case, it is important to seek immediate medical attention, and calling 911 may be necessary. A healthcare professional will need to relocate (reposition) the joint to its normal position.

D) Laceration: A laceration refers to a deep cut in the skin and is not related to joint injuries.

In summary, the correct answer is C) dislocation. A joint that is twisted or overstressed with displaced bones should be treated as a dislocation and requires immediate medical attention.