7+5=8+ What number makes this equation true

well, 7+5 = 12

what do you have to add to 8 to get to 12?

How much money you say tinkers How much money is 18 querters

Oh, I did not read the question carefully so here is the right answer (lol)

7+5=12 and 7+5=8+4 because 8+4 is 12.

Solution: 7+5=8+4

Thanks again ;)


To find the number that makes the equation true, we need to solve for the missing number on the right side of the equation.

Given: 7 + 5 = 8 + x

To isolate the variable (x), we can start by subtracting 8 from both sides of the equation:

7 + 5 - 8 = 8 + x - 8

Simplifying, we get:

4 = x

Therefore, the number that makes the equation true is 4.

Okay! 7+5=8 is wrong..

The correct answer though is: 7+5=12
