witch benchmark fraction could you use to estimate the product of 36 times 11/16


I would estimate on the basis of 18.


To estimate the product of 36 times 11/16, you can use benchmark fractions such as 1/2 or 1/10.

If you use 1/2 as the benchmark fraction, you can round 11/16 to the nearest half, which is 1/2. Then, multiply 36 by 1/2:

36 * 1/2 = 18

So, when using 1/2 as the benchmark fraction, you can estimate that the product of 36 times 11/16 is approximately 18.

If you use 1/10 as the benchmark fraction, you can round 11/16 to the nearest tenth, which is 0.6 (6/10). Then, multiply 36 by 6/10:

36 * 6/10 = 21.6

So, when using 1/10 as the benchmark fraction, you can estimate that the product of 36 times 11/16 is approximately 21.6.