Poets use imagery and words with different connotations and denotations. In a paragraph, define and provide an example of imagery, connotation, and denotation. Then, explain how poets use these elements to contribute to tone in a poem. Support your answer with evidence from “President Lincoln’s Declaration of Emancipation, January 1, 1863.”

Good evening, for the essay i would look up what imagery, connotations, and denotations are, then i would look over the poem and try and find examples that fit the definition of imagery, connotations, and denotations. I hope this helped you come up with an answer-

Imagery displays the sensual language of what is trying to be addressed.

The synonym for sensory language is “imagery”, also can be attributed as the descriptive details of an object. These sensory language is a one technique that writers and artists uses to relate with readers with the use of an image, description, movement or scenario. It utilizes the five sensory organs –eyes, nose, ears, touch and taste. For example, his white snowy skin is so bright.    


what are the answers individually? instead of a b c d what are they

1. C

2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. Essay(sorry I just skipped it)
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. C

^Answers Are Randomized Everyday

Also this was a question about an essay question and no one helped with an essay.

i like the fact nobody answered it

HELP PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you take the test? i need help and i don't what the text is that they want us to proivide an example from.

did you guys ever figure it out? i'm so stuck like how do you use an example of conation and denotation from the poem?