Factor 10w squared minus 19 minus 15

what do you have against actual math symbols!?!?!?

And you have a typo. I suspect you mean

10w^2 - 19w - 15

This kind of thing takes experience and patience. You need to play around with factors of 10 and 15 till you get -19 in the middle.


Factor 10w2−19w−15


To factor the expression 10w^2 - 19w - 15, we can use the factoring method.

Step 1: Multiply the coefficient of the leading term (10) and the constant term (-15). The result is -150.

Step 2: Find two numbers whose product is -150 and whose sum is the coefficient of the middle term (-19). In this case, the numbers are -24 and +6.

Step 3: Rewrite the middle term (-19w) using the two numbers obtained in Step 2. This gives us 10w^2 - 24w + 6w - 15.

Step 4: Group the terms. (10w^2 - 24w) + (6w - 15).

Step 5: Factor out the greatest common factor from each group. In the first group, we can factor out 2w, and in the second group, factor out 3. This leaves us with 2w(5w - 12) + 3(2w - 5).

Step 6: Combine the like terms. 2w(5w - 12) + 3(2w - 5).

Therefore, the fully factored form of the expression 10w^2 - 19w - 15 is:
(5w - 12)(2w + 3).