Triangle HAV has <H = 124, a=8.5mm, and h=7.2mm

How many solutions are there?

What I attempted:
<A = 78.2

RULE => All interior angles must add up to 180 degrees therefore this triangle has 0 solutions.

The textbook says that there are two solutions though..

Your math is correct. The text is wrong.

If one angle is obtuse, there can be only one solution. Or none, if the conditions preclude it, as in this case.

I suspect a typo in the problem.

I got the same result, so I am with you.

No solution.

I verified the "no solution" by using the cosine law to find HA
let HA = x
then :
7.2^2 = x^2 + 8.5^2 - 2x(8.5)cos124°
x^2 + 9.506x + 20.41 = 0
x = -3.276 or x = -6.23
but x can't be negative, confirming our conclusion that there is no solution

Either the textbook is wrong or there was an error in stating the problem.
It is not possible to "construct" a triangle with the given data

To find the number of solutions for a triangle, you need to consider the given information and the constraints of triangle geometry. In this case, you are given the measure of angle H, the length of side a, and the length of side h. To find the missing angle and determine the possible solutions, you can apply the sine rule.

The sine rule states that for any triangle, the ratio of the length of a side to the sine of its opposite angle is constant. Mathematically, it can be written as:

a / sin A = b / sin B = c / sin C

In your case, you want to use the sine rule to find angle A. Applying the rule, you can write:

a / sin A = h / sin H

Plugging in the given values, you have:

8.5 / sin A = 7.2 / sin 124

Now, you can solve for sin A:

sin A = (8.5 * sin 124) / 7.2

Calculating this value gives sin A ≈ 0.992523582.

To find angle A, you can take the inverse sine of sin A:

A = sin^(-1)(0.992523582)

Using a calculator, you'll find that A ≈ 81.797 degrees.

Now, you need to consider the triangle's constraint that the sum of interior angles must be 180 degrees. Let's denote angle B as the remaining angle:

B = 180 - H - A
B = 180 - 124 - 81.797
B ≈ -25.797

Here's where you encountered an issue. The value of B appears to be negative, which is not possible for an interior angle of a triangle. This suggests that there may be a mistake in the given values or calculations.

If the textbook states that there are two solutions, it is possible that H is either an exterior angle or a reflex angle, allowing for multiple solutions. However, without further clarification or correction of the given information, it seems that the triangle you described does not have a valid solution.

As an AI, I rely on the information provided to me. If there are any errors or missing details in the question or calculations, my response may not be accurate. It's always important to double-check the given values and calculations for any inconsistencies before drawing conclusions.