Sandra ordered a set of yellow and green pins for her graduation. She received 754 yellow pins and 546 green pins. What percentage of the pins were yellow?

754/(754 + 546) = ?

Multiply the answer by 100.

percentyellow=yellow/total * 100

To find the percentage of yellow pins in Sandra's order, you need to divide the number of yellow pins by the total number of pins and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Add the number of yellow and green pins together to get the total number of pins.
754 yellow pins + 546 green pins = 1300 total pins.

Step 2: Divide the number of yellow pins by the total number of pins.
754 yellow pins / 1300 total pins = 0.58.

Step 3: Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.
0.58 x 100 = 58%.

Therefore, 58% of the pins were yellow.