A shirt is on sale for $12.75.this is 15percent off the original price.what was the original price of the shirt?


nnjnjnojino clashroyal

To find the original price of the shirt, we can use the formula:

Original Price = Sale Price / (1 - Discount Percentage)

In this case, the sale price is $12.75, and the discount percentage is 15%.

Step 1: Convert the discount percentage to decimal form.
Discount Percentage = 15% = 0.15

Step 2: Substitute the values into the formula.
Original Price = $12.75 / (1 - 0.15)

Step 3: Calculate.
Original Price = $12.75 / 0.85

Original Price ≈ $15

Therefore, the original price of the shirt was approximately $15.

0.85x = 12.75