The amount of Sandy earns from babysitting is proportional to the number of hours she works. She earns 45 dollars is 6 hours. what is the hourly rate of Sandy`s earnings?

45 / 6 = ?

I think it is h =f

To find the hourly rate of Sandy's earnings, we can set up a proportion.

Let's use the variables x and y. x represents the number of hours worked, and y represents the amount earned.

We know that Sandy earns 45 dollars in 6 hours. So, we have the following ratio:
x/y = 6/45

To find the hourly rate, we need to find the value of x when y is equal to 1. In other words, we want to find the value of x when Sandy earns 1 dollar.

To do this, we can set up a proportion:
x/1 = 6/45

To find x, we can cross multiply:
x = (1 * 6) / 45
x = 6/45
x = 0.1333...

Therefore, the hourly rate of Sandy's earnings is approximately 0.1333 dollars per hour.