Untreated depression will likely ________.

A. Make depression go away
B. Improve the outcome of other illnesses
C. Delay recovery
D. All of the above
i think its c i just want to check there right

I agree.

it was right

To determine the correct answer, we can break down the options:

A. "Make depression go away": Untreated depression will not make depression go away. Without proper treatment, depression can persist and potentially worsen over time.

B. "Improve the outcome of other illnesses": Untreated depression can actually have a negative impact on the outcome of other illnesses. Depression may reduce a person's adherence to treatment plans, and it can also interfere with the body's natural healing processes.

C. "Delay recovery": This option seems more likely since depression, when left untreated, can hinder recovery. Mental health professionals emphasize the importance of proper treatment to improve the chances of recovery from depression.

D. "All of the above": Given that options A and B are incorrect, option D, which includes both A and B, cannot be the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is indeed C: "Delay recovery."