What is the relative humidity of sample 2:

Sample: 2

T(degrees)C: 32(degrees)

Mass of Water Vapor: 14 g

Mass of Water vapor at Saturation: 34 g

please help me...i don't understand how to find this

The relative humidity in this case is 14/34 = 41%

It is always the ratio of the water vapor content of air to the maximum amount that can be present as vapor.

To find the relative humidity of sample 2, you need to know the mass of water vapor present in the air and the mass of water vapor that would be present if the air were saturated.

In this case, the mass of water vapor in sample 2 is given as 14 g and the mass of water vapor at saturation is given as 34 g.

To calculate the relative humidity, you divide the mass of water vapor in sample 2 by the mass of water vapor at saturation and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

So, the calculation would be:

Relative Humidity = (Mass of Water Vapor in Sample 2 / Mass of Water Vapor at Saturation) * 100

Plugging in the values:
Relative Humidity = (14 g / 34 g) * 100
Relative Humidity = 0.41 * 100
Relative Humidity = 41%

Therefore, the relative humidity of sample 2 is 41%.