8. Calculate the return on investment in dollars and as a percentage for an investment that you purchase for $500 and sell for $600. (2.0 points) TIP: If you don't remember how to calculate return on investment, review the Calculating ROI pages in Section 4, Lesson 2.

yes still cant figure it out

To calculate the return on investment (ROI) in dollars and as a percentage, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract the initial investment from the final sale price.
Final Sale Price - Initial Investment = ROI in dollars

In this case, the initial investment is $500 and the final sale price is $600.
$600 - $500 = $100

So, the ROI in dollars is $100.

Step 2: Divide the ROI in dollars by the initial investment.
ROI in dollars / Initial Investment = ROI as a percentage

Using the values from before:
$100 / $500 = 0.2

Step 3: Convert the decimal value to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.
0.2 * 100 = 20%

Therefore, the ROI for this investment is $100 and 20% (as a percentage).

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