If Harriet Tubman and Abraham Lincoln had a conversation, what would they disagree about?

Harriet = Democrat. Lincoln = Republican.

Well Lincoln owned slaves too so they may disagree about something there.

Lincoln's wife's family owned slaves, but I don't remember learning that Lincoln himself did.

Read lots!

If Harriet Tubman and Abraham Lincoln were to have a conversation, it is possible that they could disagree on various issues, as they had different perspectives and priorities. Here's how you can approach determining their potential disagreements:

1. Research their backgrounds: Begin by studying the historical context and backgrounds of both Harriet Tubman and Abraham Lincoln. Understand their individual experiences, beliefs, and goals.

2. Understand their positions on slavery: Harriet Tubman was a prominent abolitionist and an advocate for the Underground Railroad, risking her life to free slaves. Abraham Lincoln, on the other hand, believed in the gradual abolition of slavery and prioritized preserving the Union during the Civil War.

3. Analyze their approaches to achieving abolition: Harriet Tubman believed in direct action and personally led enslaved individuals to freedom. Meanwhile, Abraham Lincoln pursued a political approach, initially intending to prevent the expansion of slavery before ultimately issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.

4. Identify potential areas of disagreement: They may have disagreed on the speed and method of achieving emancipation and equal rights for African Americans. Tubman's more radical stance may have contrasted with Lincoln's political pragmatism. Additionally, they might have had differing opinions on the extent of African American involvement in the war effort or the role of women in social and political activism.

It's important to note that the actual content of their conversation can only be speculated upon, as we do not have records of a conversation between them. However, by studying their historical contexts, beliefs, and approaches, you can draw reasonable inferences about points of potential disagreement.