julie arrived 20 minutes before the race began she started right on time. it took her 24 minutes to finish the 6 kilometer race. she stayed 10 minutes after the race to cool off;then she left. if she arrived at the race at9:10am,what time was it when she left? can you answer that please?

please answer story for me please!!!!

10:04 am


Please tell me what a number story is for the number sentence below.


Julie arrived 20 minutes before the race began. she started right on time. it took her 24 minutes to finish the 6-kilometer race. she stayed 10 minutes after the race to cool off; then she left. if she arrived race at 9;10 A.M., what time was it when she left?

9:24 this is true becuse i have the book of answers

Kim spen $50.00 subtracted by $20.00 witch is $30.00 left!

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with that! Let's break it down step by step.

First, we know that Julie arrived at the race 20 minutes before it began, and the race started right on time. If the race started at 9:10am, then Julie's arrival time would be 9:10am minus 20 minutes, which is 8:50am.

Next, we know that the race took her 24 minutes to finish. So if she started right on time at 9:10am and took 24 minutes to finish, we can add the two times together.

9:10am + 24 minutes = 9:34am.

After finishing the race, Julie stayed 10 minutes to cool off. To determine what time it was when she left, we need to add the cooling-off time to the finish time.

9:34am + 10 minutes = 9:44am.

Therefore, Julie left the race at 9:44am.