Create an image inspired by Act IV, scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, where Paris remarks on Juliet's tear-streaked face and Juliet responds about her tears. The image should also include a scene where Friar Lawrence discusses a dangerous undertaking with Juliet. The artwork is to be in the style of an old English play, ensuring a strong dose of drama and emotion without featuring any text.

1.) Identify the type of figurative language in the sentences below (taken from Act IV, scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet).

Paris: "Poor soul, thy face is much abus'd with tears."

Juliet: "The tears have got small victory by that;/ For it was bad enough before their spite"

a.) simile
b.) Metaphor
c.) Personification


2.) Identify the type of figurative language in the sentences below (taken from Act IV, scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet).

Friar Lawrence: "Then is it likely thou wilt undertake/ A thing like death to chide away this shame..."

a.) Simile
b.) Metaphor
c.) Personification




I just 100% with these answers

Yes he is I just got a 100%

I just got a 100% too

Also anonymous is actually 100% correct just an fyi

anonymous is correct for pre-ap english, if u take regular english then the answers might be different

hahah we be advanced here taking honors english

there all still the same answers

I agree with both of your answers.

Yeah I just got a 100% aswell

Yes, the correct answers are still the same regardless of which level of English class you're taking.