Are these correct?

she broke her leg - elle se cassée la jambe.

my head hurts - J'ai mal à la tête

you hurt your foot - vous blessez votre pied

I'll send this to one of our French experts, SraJMcGin.

ELLE s,EST cass'ee la Jambe.

2nd ok.

Vous avez blesse' ' le pied. Can not find accents on new iPad.

Yes, those translations are correct!

To get the translation for "she broke her leg - elle se cassée la jambe," you would translate each word individually:

- "she" would be translated as "elle"
- "broke" would be translated as "cassée" (feminine form of "cassé")
- "her" would be translated as "la" (feminine form of "le")
- "leg" would be translated as "jambe"

To get the translation for "my head hurts - J'ai mal à la tête," you would also translate each word individually:

- "my" would be translated as "J'ai" (the contraction of "Je ai")
- "head" would be translated as "tête"
- "hurts" would be translated as "mal à"

To get the translation for "you hurt your foot - vous blessez votre pied," you would translate each word individually:

- "you" would be translated as "vous"
- "hurt" would be translated as "blessez"
- "your" would be translated as "votre"
- "foot" would be translated as "pied"

So, by combining these translations together, you get the correct translations for each sentence.