Read the following passage from “Three Skeleton Key”:

The rats of the sea are fierce…. Large, strong, and intelligent, clannish and seawise, able to put the best of mariners to shame with their knowledge of the sea, their uncanny ability to foretell the weather.

How has the author managed to communicate the power of the rats in these sentences?

A. by making them sound like animals
B. by making them crawl like animals
C. by making them seem like people
D. by making them talk like people

I think it's C.

I agree.

Thank you

You're welcome.

Actually, the correct answer is A. The author has communicated the power of the rats by making them sound like animals. In the passage, the author describes the rats as being "large, strong, and intelligent" and having knowledge of the sea and the ability to foretell the weather. These characteristics are often associated with animals that are powerful and formidable. The use of words like "fierce," "clannish," and "seawise" further emphasizes the rat's strength and expertise in their natural environment. Therefore, the author's descriptions convey the power of the rats in a way that is characteristic of animals, rather than people.