Can u show me an example of how to find the figure of 10 units in a perimeter?

Certainly! To find the figure with a perimeter of 10 units, we need to consider different shapes that have a perimeter of 10 units. Let's take a look at a few examples:

1) Square: The perimeter of a square is found by multiplying the length of one side by 4. Hence, if we let each side of the square be "s", then the perimeter is 4s. In this case, we want the perimeter to be 10 units, so we have the equation 4s = 10. Solving for "s", we get s = 10/4 = 2.5 units. Therefore, a square with each side measuring 2.5 units will have a perimeter of 10 units.

2) Rectangle: Similar to a square, the perimeter of a rectangle is found by multiplying the sum of the lengths of its adjacent sides by 2. Let's assume one side of the rectangle is "a" and the other side is "b". The perimeter is then given by 2(a + b). If we set this equal to 10 units, we have the equation 2(a + b) = 10. We can choose any values of "a" and "b" that satisfy this equation. For example, if we let a = 3 units and b = 2 units, then 2(3 + 2) = 10. Therefore, a rectangle with sides measuring 3 units and 2 units will have a perimeter of 10 units.

3) Irregular Figure: It is also possible to have an irregular figure with a perimeter of 10 units. For instance, consider a figure with sides of lengths 2 units, 3 units, 1 unit, and 4 units. Adding these individual side lengths, we get 2 + 3 + 1 + 4 = 10 units.

These are just a few examples of figures with a perimeter of 10 units. Depending on the shape and the values of the sides, the figure will change. I hope this helps!