Tom built a fence around his rectangular shaped pool. The posts are 2 yards apart, there are 4 posts along the width and 8 posts along the length. What

are the dimensions of the fence?


1 post=2 Yards

Therefore, Dimensions are:
Width= 4 Posts
Length= 8 Posts

Let p=post
Width= 4p
Length= 8p
Since p=2yards,

Width= 4(2 yards)= 8 Yards
Length= 8(2 yards) 16 Yards

What is this idk the answer

What is the length and breadth of the fence??

A field is 80 meters long and 60 meters wind .

I still don’t understand

To find the dimensions of the fence, we need to calculate the total distance along the width and length of the pool.

Let's start with the width:
The posts are placed 2 yards apart, and there are 4 posts along the width. So, the total distance between the posts can be calculated as (4 - 1) * 2 = 6 yards.
Since there are 2 distances between the posts, we need to double the total distance to get the width of the fence: 6 * 2 = 12 yards.

Next, let's calculate the length:
The posts are placed 2 yards apart, and there are 8 posts along the length. So, the total distance between the posts can be calculated as (8 - 1) * 2 = 14 yards.
Again, since there are 2 distances between the posts, we need to double the total distance to get the length of the fence: 14 * 2 = 28 yards.

Therefore, the dimensions of the fence are 12 yards by 28 yards.