Zarat Zim sells refrigerators. He earns 8% commission on sales. How much does he earn on sales of $3000

0.08 * 3000 = $________

To calculate the amount Zarat Zim earns, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the commission rate.
Zarat Zim earns an 8% commission rate on sales, which means he earns 8% of the total amount sold.

Step 2: Calculate the commission earned.
Multiply the commission rate by the sales amount.
Commission earned = Commission rate × Sales amount
Commission earned = 8% × $3000

Step 3: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
To calculate the commission, it is necessary to convert the commission rate from a percentage (8%) to a decimal (0.08). Divide the percentage by 100.
8% ÷ 100 = 0.08

Step 4: Calculate the commission earned.
Multiply the sales amount by the commission rate.
Commission earned = $3000 × 0.08

Using the formula above, Zarat Zim earns a commission of:

Commission earned = $3000 × 0.08
= $240

Therefore, Zarat Zim earns $240 in commission on sales of $3000.