The table below shows the average annual precipitation over a period of five years in three locations of Florida.

Locations | Amount of precipitation
1 between 45- 65 inches
2 more than 96 inches
3 less than 8 inches

Which of these statements is correct for the three locations?
People are most likely to migrate from Location 3 to Location 1.
People are most likely to migrate from Location 1 to Location 3.
People are most likely to migrate from Location 1 to Location 2.
People are most likely to migrate from Location 2 to Location 3.

is it a pls pls help

it doesnt talk about this in the lesson so actually wouldnt it be the most precipitation to the least precipitation so it would actually be b

Thx for answering the answer great help

To determine which statement is correct, we need to analyze the average annual precipitation in each location.

Looking at the table, we can see that Location 1 has an average precipitation between 45-65 inches, Location 2 has more than 96 inches, and Location 3 has less than 8 inches.

Given this information, we can make the following conclusions:

1. People are most likely to migrate from Location 3 to Location 1: This statement is incorrect because Location 3 has significantly less precipitation compared to Location 1. People are more likely to migrate from a location with low precipitation to a location with higher precipitation.

2. People are most likely to migrate from Location 1 to Location 3: This statement is also incorrect because Location 3 has the least amount of precipitation. People are less likely to migrate to a location with low precipitation unless there are other determining factors.

3. People are most likely to migrate from Location 1 to Location 2: This statement is also incorrect because Location 1 has a moderate amount of precipitation, while Location 2 has a significantly higher amount. People are more likely to migrate from a location with moderate precipitation to a location with very high precipitation.

4. People are most likely to migrate from Location 2 to Location 3: This statement is correct because Location 2 has a very high amount of precipitation, while Location 3 has the least amount. People may seek to move to a location with less precipitation if they prefer a drier climate.

Therefore, the correct statement is: People are most likely to migrate from Location 2 to Location 3.

I doubt if most people migrate because of the amount of precipitation. Lots of people move to the arid southwest of the U.S. for the high temperatures.

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