help with the story bernice bobs her hair

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Sure, I can help you with the story "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" by F. Scott Fitzgerald!

"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" is a short story that was first published in 1920. It revolves around the character of Bernice, a socially awkward and unpopular girl who visits her popular cousin, Marjorie, in a small town during the summer. Marjorie decides to give Bernice a makeover in order to help her fit in and attract more attention from boys. The story explores themes of popularity, conformity, and the pressures of fitting into society.

To get a better understanding of the story, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the short story "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." You can find a digital copy online or in an anthology of Fitzgerald's works. This will allow you to engage with the characters and plot directly.

2. Analyze the characters: Pay attention to the contrasting personalities of Bernice and Marjorie. Consider how their motivations and actions drive the story forward. Analyze their interactions with each other and with other characters in the story.

3. Identify the key themes: Reflect on the themes and deeper meanings of the story. Consider the social pressures faced by Bernice and the question of personal identity. Think about how the characters' choices impact their relationships and sense of self.

4. Analyze the plot structure: Examine how the story progresses from the beginning to the end. Identify the major plot points, conflicts, and turning points that lead to the climax and resolution.

5. Consider the historical context: Recognize the time period in which the story was written. F. Scott Fitzgerald was a prominent author of the "Jazz Age" or "Roaring Twenties," a period of post-World War I prosperity and social change. Understanding the historical context can provide insights into the story's social commentary.

Once you have read and analyzed the story, you can further discuss its themes, symbolism, and character development. Consider how the story's lessons or messages might be relevant in today's society.