Mike works part-time at a grocery store. He also mows lawns to earn some extra money. He earns $9.50 per hour at the grocery store and $12 per hour for mowing lawns. He worked for a total of 40 hours last week.

Which equation represents the relationship between his total earnings (y ), in dollars, and the number of hours he worked at the grocery store (x ) last week?

What are your choices? What is your answer?

Merlinda earns $146 less per week than Barbara. The combined income of these two people is $390 per week. How much per week does each person earn?

To find the equation that represents the relationship between Mike's total earnings and the number of hours he worked at the grocery store, we need to determine how much he earns from each job based on the number of hours worked.

Let's break it down:

1. Mike's earnings from the grocery store: Since he earns $9.50 per hour, for x hours at the grocery store, he would earn 9.50x dollars.

2. Mike's earnings from mowing lawns: Since he earns $12 per hour, he would earn 12 * (40 - x) dollars from mowing lawns, where (40 - x) represents the number of hours he worked mowing lawns.

3. Total earnings: To find the total earnings, we need to add the earnings from the grocery store to the earnings from mowing lawns. So, the equation representing the relationship between Mike's total earnings (y) and the number of hours he worked at the grocery store (x) is:

y = 9.50x + 12(40 - x)

Simplifying the equation:

y = 9.50x + 480 - 12x
y = -2.50x + 480

Thus, the equation that represents the relationship between Mike's total earnings and the number of hours he worked at the grocery store last week is y = -2.50x + 480.