abel is 3 times as old as ben.3 year ago abel is 4 times as old as ben. what is sum of their ages in 3year time

To solve this problem, let's first assign some variables. Let A represent Abel's current age, B represent Ben's current age, and S represent the sum of their ages.

From the given information, we know that Abel is 3 times as old as Ben, so we can write the equation:

A = 3B ---(1)

We also know that 3 years ago, Abel was 4 times as old as Ben. This can be written as:

A - 3 = 4(B - 3) ---(2)

Now, let's solve the equations:

Substituting equation (1) into equation (2), we get:
3B - 3 = 4(B - 3)

Expanding the equation, we have:
3B - 3 = 4B - 12

Rearranging the terms, we get:
4B - 3B = 12 - 3
B = 9

Substituting B = 9 into equation (1), we find Abel's age:
A = 3(9)
A = 27

Therefore, Abel's current age is 27 and Ben's current age is 9.

To find the sum of their ages in 3 years, we need to add 3 to both Abel and Ben's current ages.

In 3 years, Abel's age will be 27 + 3 = 30, and Ben's age will be 9 + 3 = 12.

Therefore, the sum of their ages in 3 years will be 30 + 12 = 42.