Teresa has 4 flower pots in 4 different designs. She likes to display her flower pots in different positions on her window sill. How many different ways can she place her flower pots?

Do you 4x4=16

and then 16+12+8+4

Why add.

In position 1,
there are four posibilities.
Given that, there are three possibilites for the second postion, and so on

Different ways=4!

I take it you go to Phoenix or Axia eh?

To determine the number of different ways Teresa can place her flower pots, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the first flower pot. Teresa has 4 options to choose from.
2. Moving on to the second flower pot, Teresa now has 3 options left since she already placed one.
3. For the third flower pot, Teresa has 2 options remaining.
4. Lastly, for the fourth flower pot, Teresa only has 1 option.

To calculate the total number of possibilities, we multiply the number of options at each step:

4 (options for the first pot) × 3 (options for the second pot) × 2 (options for the third pot) × 1 (option for the fourth pot) = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24

Therefore, Teresa has 24 different ways to place her flower pots.