Write base-ten number for five hundred seventy-two



To write the base-ten number for five hundred seventy-two, you simply write the digits as they appear. Therefore, the base-ten number for five hundred seventy-two is 572.

To write the base-ten number for five hundred seventy-two, simply express the value of each digit in the decimal system. In this case, we have:

5 -- Represents the digit in the hundreds place, which has a value of 5 * 10^2 = 500.
7 -- Represents the digit in the tens place, which has a value of 7 * 10^1 = 70.
2 -- Represents the digit in the ones place, which has a value of 2 * 10^0 = 2.

Adding up these values, we get 500 + 70 + 2 = 572. Therefore, the base-ten number for five hundred seventy-two is 572.